Press Kit

Target Audience

Adult Black women who enjoy emotionally charged fiction featuring strong female characters.

Book Description

A broken girl will blossom into a warrior woman.

Driven from home by her toxic mother, Dia Fontaine encounters a social club of Black women who assist in her healing and transformation.

The social club is a secret society rooted in the history of the Dahomeyan Amazons. During her training process, Dia reevaluates her worth and self-esteem. She finds rivalry in ShaRae, a fellow trainee, and a new mother figure in Ms. Manners, the Senior Instructor who embodies the spirit of the organization.

Hard Pressed is a contemporary, action-packed, emotion-driven story about mothers, daughters, and women warriors.


Ms. Chantal is her mother's first-born daughter, born and raised in Philadelphia, PA.

Ms. Chantal holds a Bachelor’s degree in English (with a specialization in Creative Writing) from Temple University. She has used her degree for over forty years, writing op-ed articles, essays, blog posts, manuals, workbooks, short stories, and more than one never-published novel.

​Ms. Chantal's love for all things artistic fuels her main passion: to captivate people with her written word. Her work, fiction and nonfiction, showcases and celebrates the inherent strength and power of Black American women.

The political upheaval of 2016 triggered Ms. Chantal's inner activist. She fiercely advocates for children and marginalized communities.​ 

Other Information

Suggested Interview Topics and Questions

  • What's so special about fiction for Black women?
  • What's so special about your work?
  • What is your opinion of women's fiction in general, and then Black women's fiction?
  • Where do you see your genre ten years from now?