February 26, 2025
If *WE* Don't Do It, Then It Doesn't Get Done.

I have been increasingly frustrated since January 21.

Not with the Orange Pig, because I expected him to do his worst, and he is.

My frustration is with every American who has decided to "go along to get along" or even worse, to fight back with half an effort. Our elected Democrats are hanging back, telling us to wait till the mid-terms and blah-blah-blee.

Who told them that the mid-term elections will even happen?

President Oink admitted to stealing the election via Musk's hired hackers. He is literally ignoring the Constitution, the law of the land. Do you really think that Team Oink is going to take a coffee break for the midterms? No! They're going to hold on to their ill-gotten power by any means necessary.

News flash: regular rules no longer apply. 

Second news flash: America doesn't fight back very well without *us*. That part is crystal clear, and it is also your problem to solve.

America is dead, and I still refuse to fight for it. I did my fighting at the polls, along with my fellow 92-percenters and the 80-something percenters who followed. My community has fought and protested for our basic human rights in this country for centuries. I will continue to fight for my community, because whenever we fight for America, America and its people sells us out.

My community wins when we get revolutionary. Go off-book. Get into strategically "good trouble."

I suggest that whoever wants to fight for America should also get revolutionary. 

Like the French did when the aristocracy tried to erase them.