Yes, I’m saying this on Valentine’s Day 2025. Not to ruin anyone’s fun. Just to make it clear that I’m not a Grinch.
You all can do whatever you want today and tonight, with my blessing. I’m not mad at any of you for celebrating love with your ‘boo’. Not my business.
I don’t. I never have. From those early school days when the class passed out paper valentines and Sweettarts to everyone but me to scarfing candy from the heart-shaped boxes that Mom brought home from work to experiencing every man in my life breaking up with me just before a gift-giving occasion, I got the not-so-subtle message that Valentine’s Day was not meant for me.
And I’m good with that. Not bitter. Not hurt. Allergic to cats and foolishness.
At this point in my life, and considering the way men have devolved, I am deliriously happy with my life the way it is. I don’t miss what I’ve never had, and all that I have, I intend to keep: independence, low stress, and great credit.
Don’t expect me to write about it, either. I have neither the desire nor a frame of reference to have my characters explore romantic relationships. Life gives me all the material that I will ever need.
This felt good to get out of my system. As you were.